4.37 MEMOIR & The Emperor Has No Clothes (a Critique of Cancer Care) with Dr. Christopher Booth

Today we have a short discussion for you of the MEMOIR study, published in The Lancet Oncology: "Effect of immunotherapy time-of-day infusion on overall survival among patients with advanced melanoma in the USA (MEMOIR): a propensity score-matched analysis of a single-centre, longitudinal study". We also have a special treat for you: a lecture Dr. Chris Booth of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada recently gave titled "The Emperor Has No Clothes", a critique of the current state of cancer care.


4.38 COVID-19: Boosters for Adults and Teens, Paul Offitt, Testing, Myocarditis, Campus Restrictions


4.36 Where Are We Now with COVID-19? with Dr. John Ioannidis